K8S TokenRequest API
Table of Contents
A common way for users to authenticate Kubernetes clusters is through an API that issues JSON Web Tokens (JWT). These tokens can be used to identify a Kubernetes user or service account and grant them access to the environment. While this is not a new feature, Kubernetes 1.24 adds a command that allows users to create these tokens more easily using the TokenRequest API.
We can use JWT to authenticate Kubernetes users and service accounts.
The new Kubernetes version makes it easier to create JWT tokens.
Creating JWT tokens using the TokenRequest API is easier than ever.
In the K8s version before 1.24, every time we would create a service account, a non-expiring secret token (Mountable secrets & Tokens) was created by default. However, from version 1.24 onwards, it was disbanded and no secret token is created by default when we create a service account. However, we can create it when need be. Now let us take a look at the service account token in a bit more depth.
Service Account Token
Kubernetes supports two types of tokens from version 1.22 onwards.
- Long-Lived Token
- Time Bound Token
Long-Lived Token
As its name indicates, a long-lived token is one that never expires. Hence, it is less secure and discouraged to use.
Creating Long-Lived Token
Before K8s version 1.24, whenever a service account was created, a secret object was also created that contains the secret token. These token would be long-lived token, which means it has no expiry. However, In Kubernetes version 1.24, it was disbanded due to security and scalability concerns.
Although not recommended, K8s allows us to create a long-lived token. It is achieved in two different steps:
- Create a service account
- Create a secret and specify the name of the service account as annotations within the metadata section.
kubect create serviceaccount my-sa
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: my-long-lived-secret
kubernetes.io/service-account.name: my-sa
type: kubernetes.io/service-account-token
Time Bound Token
From version 1.22 onwards, Kubernetes introduced TokenRequest
API. A token generated through this API is a time-bound token that expires after a time. It applies to both — the default service account and the custom-defined service accounts.
Creating a time-bound token
We can create a time-bound token using the below command:
echo '{"apiVersion": "authentication.k8s.io/v1", "kind": "TokenRequest", "spec": {"audiences": ["https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local"], "expirationSeconds": 3600}' \
| kubectl create -f- --raw /api/v1/namespaces/default/serviceaccounts/my-sa/token
echo '{
"apiVersion": "authentication.k8s.io/v1",
"kind": "TokenRequest",
"spec": {
"audiences": [
"expirationSeconds": 3600
}' \
| kubectl create -f- --raw /api/v1/namespaces/default/serviceaccounts/my-sa/token
In the following sections, we will see a completed example using various methods, from creating a ServiceAccount to creating a Token, using Token, TokenReview
Create ServiceAccount
To create a ServiceAccount in Kubernetes, follow these steps:
- go
- yaml
- bash
1 |
Create Role
To create a Role in Kubernetes, follow these steps:
- go
- yaml
- bash
1 |
This will create the Role in the default
That’s it! You have now created a Role in Kubernetes.
Create RoleBinding
In Kubernetes, RoleBinding is used to bind a role to a user, group, or service account in a given namespace. The RoleBinding grants the permissions defined in the role to the subject.
To create a RoleBinding, follow these steps:
- go
- yaml
- bash
1 |
This will create the RoleBinding in the default
That’s it! You have now created a RoleBinding in Kubernetes.
Get a user bearer token
To successfully make HTTP requests to the Kubernetes API a bearer token must be included as an authorization header. Below is an example command one could run to get the bearer token for a user named admin-user in the namespace of kube-system. This same command could apply to any other user or namespace.
kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep admin-user | awk '{print $1}')
The TokenRequest API allows you to request a token for a ServiceAccount in Kubernetes. To use TokenRequest, follow these steps:
- go
- yaml
- bash
1 |
This will create the TokenRequest and return the token for the specified ServiceAccount.
That’s it! You have now used TokenRequest to request a token for a ServiceAccount in Kubernetes.
Get Pods
Use the generated token to communicate with APIServer to obtain the Pods of default namespace:
- go
- bash
1 |
The TokenReview API allows you to validate a token for a ServiceAccount in Kubernetes. To use TokenReview, follow these steps:
- go
- bash
1 |
This will display the status of the TokenReview request, including whether the token is valid or not.
Complete code
- go
1 |
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/authentication-resources/
- https://www.programmingwithwolfgang.com/use-the-tokenrequest-api-to-create-tokens-in-kubernetes/
- https://securitylabs.datadoghq.com/articles/kubernetes-tokenrequest-api/
- https://medium.com/@th3b3ginn3r/understanding-service-accounts-in-kubernetes-e9d2abe19df8
- https://jpweber.io/blog/a-look-at-tokenrequest-api/